Health and fitness has exploded in popularity over the last few years, but with the increase in interest, many are now turning to supplements. Can the popular supplement Creatine cause hair loss? Click on the article to find out.

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The question that every hair transplant patient want's to know "when am I going to see growth?" Click on the article to find out.

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With medical tourism exploding in popularity, more and more patients are complaining of donor depletion, but is it really donor depletion or shock loss? Click on the article to find out.

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Medical tourism has become popular, especially for cosmetic procedures, but what about hair transplants? Click on the article to learn more.

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The vast majority of patients interested in a hair transplant typically want their hairline thickened or lowered, but what about the crown? Click on the article to learn more.

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Having a hair transplant surgery can be stressful, but what causes even more stress is taking care of the delicate grafts after surgery. Does bumping your head always cause significant graft damage? Click on the article to find out.

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Today, a lot of people smoke cigarettes and even marijuana and wonder if smoking will kill their hair transplant. Please note that this community does not condone doing anything illegal but this article is not about that. Smoking cigarettes and marijuana is generally bad for one's health. Excessive smoking can have an effect on one's body and even hair.

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The "Ugly Duckling' stage​ is the term given to the period of time after hair transplant surgery when the patient may experience redness in the recipient area, pimples, shock loss, etc. During this period, the patient's hair may appear thinner or "uglier" than it did prior to the procedure.

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Achieving a 50% density level of original scalp density is a good goal to start with. It's been said that achieving 50% density will provide a good basis to support the illusion of coverage.

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Recently we learned of the passing of hair transplant surgeon Dr. Marla Rosenberg of Toronto, Canada. Dr. Rosenberg joined

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Golf fans have recently been wondering if golf pro Jordan Spieth has undergone hair transplant surgery after seeing some visual evidence of this. But did he get a hair transplant or did he just style his hair differently?

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Popping pimples won't cause a loss of the follicle at 1.5 months after surgery.

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Only the finest hair restoration physicians in the world are approved for recommendation by the Hair Transplant Network. Thus, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Resul Yaman is now recommended by our community.

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Transplanted hair is no more at risk of chemical damage than any other hair but, if this a recent hair transplant, I'd wait till a couple of months post-op to be safe before applying any chemicals.

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The Hair Transplant Network is pleased to announce that Dr. Kapil Dua of India has been approved for recommendation by our online hair restoration community.

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​It’s always best to follow your hair restoration physician’s aftercare instructions. However, in general, it is perfectly safe to use any shampoo you like by ten days after a hair transplant.

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It sounds to me like what you’re saying is that you’ve experienced some additional thinning since your last hair transplant.

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Don’t worry. Ten days after hair restoration surgery the follicular unit grafts are firmly anchored in the scalp and can withstand some light rubbing with a towel. The red areas you saw may have been where scabs were rubbed off if you are certain that you were not bleeding.

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Choosing a quality surgeon is essential in attaining excellent hair transplant results. Thus, only the finest hair restoration surgeons in the world meet the Hair Transplant Network's rigorous recommendation standards.

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In February 2013 I had a follicular unite extraction hair transplant in Turkey. Three months on I am worried about the result as it turns out the transplant had an infection.

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Male pattern baldness (MPB) occurs when the hormone DHT binds to the receptor cells of genetically vulnerable hair follicles. Increasing testosterone levels can exacerbate hair loss because testosterone is converted to DHT in the body.

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Don’t worry; it’s perfectly normal for hair growth to lag behind on one side or the other after surgical hair restoration. At only 6.5 months post-op, you’ve got a lot more growth and maturation to come. ​

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