Are Mega-Session Hair Transplants Worth It?

Are Mega-Session Hair Transplants Worth It?

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:19

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network

Image removed.We're living in an age where bigger is always better but is it? If we're talking about houses, cars, and bank accounts, then the question may be a no-brainer, but when we're discussing surgical hair restoration- the answer isn't so clear. In this article, we will be discussing the positives and negatives associated with having a mega-session hair transplant procedure. 

What Is Considered A Mega-Session?

A mega-session hair transplant by today's standards is any hair transplant over 4,000 grafts. In the early days of modern hair restoration, any procedure over 1,000 grafts would be considered a mega-session. Thankfully, times have changed. The tools, techniques, and methods have refined and improved over the years. Now, surgeons can transplant thousands upon thousands of grafts in the tiniest micro-incision sites that create minimal scarring and are virtually undetectable to the average person.

What Are The Positives?

Well, the positives are obvious. A mega-session hair transplant moves a large number of grafts/hairs in one sitting. For patients, it can be an absolute life-changer. A patient may be able to restore their hair loss in one session- this is especially enticing to patients with a significant amount of hair loss. Their time, money, and effort could pay off in a short period. Sign me up, am I right? Not so fast. Everything previously mentioned is based on the assumption that everything goes right, and the hair transplant is a success, but what if the hair transplant fails what then? Well, let's discuss that in detail.

What Are The Negatives?

Nothing in life is guaranteed except for death and taxes. Even the best hair transplant surgeons have unhappy patients for some reason or another. When you undergo a mega-session, you are essentially taking a big gamble with your donor supply. If you're not happy with the results, you'll have little to no recourse. Another factor to consider is scarring, the larger the hair transplant procedure, the higher the chance of visible scarring and donor depletion. It's a bit like a haircut, take a little too much off, and there's no going back. But if you don't take enough off, you can always take off more.


I don't want to scare anyone away from having a mega-session hair transplant. The truth is, thousands of people have them every year, and with the right surgeon, the vast majority will be a success. However, it is crucial to consider the possibilities because there is no guarantee that you'll be happy or satisfied with the results. Therefore, it is a good idea to leave some donor supply for the future. Remember, androgenic alopecia is progressive, and there is a high possibility that you will lose more hair. Thus, requiring more hair transplants, always be mindful of that fact.